Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Never Ending D.I.E.T

Alhamdulillah, lost another 2 kilos...

* 3 kilos to go would be greaaaattttt! wakk wawwwwww...

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Squeeze Quiz

28 Questions: How well do you know your man? (Let's try!)

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
anythings that can make him interested. He loves cinema movies (9pm @TransTV), Opera Van Java (can't stop laughing on Olga & Azis), India movies (so many channels but he choose TPI for India movies, GOD!!), and gossips (his daily routines: wake up, turn on TV, searching gossip news..hahaha).

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
He only know thousand island!

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
He LESS-LIKES kering tempe, dunno why??

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Coca cola

5. Where did he go to high school?
SMA YPVDP - Bontang (the place where we know each other)

6. What size shoe does he wear?

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
DVDs, PC Games, Action Figures.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
bread with cheese, smoked beef/ chicken beef/ sausage, egg-s (he loves egg), chili sauce & mayonnaise.

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Boiled Eggs

10. What is his favorite cereal?
Corn Flakes

11. What would he never wear?
anything RED..(dia blg brasa kyk rendang..haha)

12. What is his favorite sports team?
he loves basketball, his fav. team currently is LA Lakers.
for soccer (even he doesn't follow n play this game), his team is MU.

13. Who did he vote for?
He would vote SBY, unfortunately we had no chance for voting (ga pulang kampung sih!)

14. How does he sleep?
silently & terlentang, ga bergerak (rapiii bgt tidurnyaa)

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
i never done anything he doesn't wish for (i hope..)

16. What is his heritage?
40% betawi, 40% sunda, 20% pakistan

17. What is his favorite color?
white, brown.

18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
i never (or have not...yet) baked him a cake. but if i do, i would love to bake a blackforrest cake or brownies.

19. Did he play sports in high school?
basketball (he's a for-ever basketball player), softball, bowling (a good ONE!)..

20. What could he spend hours doing?
pc-gaming, watching tv/ dvd, sleeping.

21. What is one unique talent he has?
i adores his natural skill for photo-editing (i wish he could do it often!)

21. Who is his biggest celebrity crush?
Megan Fox.

22. You go out on a regular date. What would he wear?
jeans & t-shirt.

23. What is his favorite music genre?
anything except RAP. i rarely (or never..) heard RAP songs in his playlist.

24. What is his one major weakness?
me ;p

25. You get into an argument. How does he handle it?
He always be a very calm people, even in a big-madness.
He never (rarely, i guess..) used a high-toned and bad words in managing our argument.
(God, this is one of the reason why i love him so much!)

26. Who is his favorite actor?
Have no idea, i never discuss it with him before.

27. What is his idea of a perfect date?
with the one he loves so much, good food, good place, good mood!

28. What physical feature would he change?
he's perfect!

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Congratulating my Big Bro

after those years filled with tears n up-down situations, U MADE IT!!!

for ur graduation, with a big A on ur final paper.
we're so PROUD of u..

Welcome to the Real World!

**Segera buka bisnis fotografi mu itu..
tp utk adikmu ini gratisan aja y, at least 50% discount ;p

Pas Ija ultah di tahun 2009

Pas Ija ultah tgl 17 mei kemaren,
gw kasi kado 'sepatu kantor-yang -sudah-lama-dia-idam-idamkan' :))
hari itu, kita berdua pergi ke Plangi, skalian nonton n beli blueberry cake.

kita berdua ngerencanain untuk nunggu ampe tengah malam menuju tgl 17 mei, tp ko ya...ija malah ketiduran sejam sebelum jam 12..iihhhh, jd gw dng yg melek sendirian.
luckily for me, bisa ada kesempatan untuk bikin card ultah dia thru hallmark software. hihihihi...

Sampe pas tengah malem, early 17 mei 2009, gw bangunin ija-kasi ucapan selamat-kisses-makan cake..

Happy Birthday My J,
I love u.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

June Wrapping Up

Bulan Juni kemarin, tiap wiken sibuk jalan2.
Early June, kakak ipar 'n keponakan yg tinggal di Jogja datang liburan ke Cikarang.
Terakhir ketemu Hilman & Aina itu pas Lebaran thn lalu. Tyt Aina udh gede, udah bisa jalan n ngomong dikit2.
Too bad, Saskia ga bisa ikut cz ada kerjaan di Jojga yg ga bisa ditinggal.
Hebatnya tu, Aina yg bru 1,5thn ga masalah klo pergi ga ada Bundanya.
Kita di cikarang cuma numpang tidur doang, sabtu datang-minggu pulang. haha.

wiken lainnya, kita berdua main ke Blok M Plaza..
emg noraaakkk, pdhl kn rumah kita sama Blok M Plaza itu bs dibilang lumayan deket, tp kok malah ga pernah kesana ;p
Pagi2 berangkat dari rumah, sengaja mo makan siang di Rawon Nguling di daerah 'yang gw lupa nama jalannya'..
rawonnya sih biasa aja mnrt gw, cm telor asin nya enak, ga tllu asin n masir. Gw sampe beli 2 biji untuk di bawa ke rumah.

Dari sana lgs cepet2 ke Blok M Plaza, kita rcn mo nonton film yg siang..
Kita mo nonton Star Wars ato Transformer (dari malam sebelumnya udh sibuk2 browsing website Blok M Plaza untuk liat film2 yg tayang di Cinema21-nya).
Ternyataaaa....sampe sana ko, pas kita cari loket tiketnya, ga ada film2 itu ya??
iihh tyt udh ga tayang lagi dong. Dweeenngggg, berarti itu website yg update.
Ija lgs BETE, haha...yauda gw blg kita jalan2 aja di Blok M Plaza-nontonnya besok aja di Plaza Semanggi...
Tapi, berhubung Ija lg 'ngebet' bgt mo nonton dan udh tanggung bgt udh nyampe depan loket tiket, akhirnya kita putusin utk nonton Drag Me To Hell...

Trus minggu lalu, kita pergi ke rumah bintarooo...
ketemuan sama om-tante-keponakan2an yg tinggal di Bontang-yg kebetulan lagi liburan di Jakarta..
Huuuaaa kangen sekaliii de sama mereka..
Ga lama disana, kita malah langsung jalan2 ke Plaza Bintaro..maklum ga pernah kesana, tyt lumayan deket dr rumah bintaro..

Btw, setelah 2 bulan ini diet dengan ngurangin nasi dan aerobik-yoga, bb gw turun 7 kiloww, alhamdulillah...walo perjuangan masi panjaanggg. hehe.
Susahnya, udh 2 minggu ini gw ga turun2 lagi..ampuunnn deh!
Gw ampe tergoda mo nyobain 'diet garam', yg baca sana-sini ko bagus ya hasilnya, katanya 13 hari diet garam bisa turun 7-8 kg..mantaafffff!

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


OMG, ini blog udh ga keurus gini sih?
yg punya-nya ko pemalesan bgt sih utk update2...


Gw NIAT akan rajin kembali, update 'n uplot foto klo perlu.
Wish me Luck!