Jumat, 24 April 2009

Planning to Have a Very Nice Day

Selamat Pagiiiiii,....
I decided to not regret anything.
I choose to have a nice life.
Hey, i'm happyy, very happyyyy...

Posting applications online, browsing recipes, beberes rumah (nyapu-ngepel-cuci2-masak), karaoke, nonton dvd, so much moreeee....
oia, besok klrg gw dtg dr bandung, mo pergi ke nikahan jamboe di At-Tin, senanggggg bisa ketemu keluargaaa..kangeeennnn...


I hate hate hate the way i acted in these two days.
Being so fragile, emotional, hopeless, lost, scared and alone....aahhh God, help me thru this moments.